Prior Clients
Sound Healing Testimonials
Rebecca Z.
Thank you so much for the sound healing sessions you gave me at the end of 2016. They were both life changing. The first one helped me to learn that I wasn't trusting myself and reconnected me with listening to my intuition. The second one helped me to start moving my body more and propelled me forward with moving into my new home. I had needed to leave my husband of 21 years and this set that in motion. It was the healthiest way for me to move forward with healing so many areas of my life. Thank you so much! I am now working on paying it forward.
Abby Gooch, Founder of Life Force Connection & One Heart Global
Bo has a huge heart and is gifted in the healing arts and musical talents! I feel blessed by his presence and love, anyone who gets to work with him is graced by him!
With Great Love,
Abby Gooch, Founder of Life Force Connection & One Heart Global
Amie Becker, General Manager San Diego SeaLions, Pacific Regional Commissioner WPSL
"I had miraculous results from the session, which I myself cannot explain (I'm sure Bo can). I would recommend anyone experiencing any type of issue to be open to trying this before spending a bunch of money on doctors and medicines. You just might be surprised. It works! Thank you, Bo!!!" READ MORE
Amelia Leigh Hall, Staff writer The Life Connection Magazine July 2015
"Bo has a wonderful sound healing room located at the California Institute of Healing Science (CIHS). Upon entering, you will find a beautiful setup of chimes, lights, and serenity. He speaks with confidence and knows this industry. From his soft-spoken accent, to the knowledge he portrays, there is definitely a soothing energy that Bo radiates. The massage is relaxing and the sound/vibration of the monochord is simply divine." READ MORE
Doug Heyes, M.A., Big Bear Lake
"In an age when mere competence suffices as the standard, Bo Nielsen rises brilliantly above the rest, with so much more than a transcendent passion for his work. True to his ancestral roots, Bo is a genuine craftsman, unwilling to rest till the blade is the sharpest, the house is the strongest, the ship will surely cross the sea. I have consulted with Bo frequently in my private practice, and have no reservations whatsoever when it comes to referring clients, friends, and family members." READ MORE
Lilya Chuang, Imperial Beach
"I had a sample of Bo Nielsen's music therapy. I felt so clear, lovely, light and at peace in just that one short time. I felt I could trust his therapeutic work. I made the soonest appointment possible with him. After getting his amazing color, light and sound therapy session with him, I felt phenomenal! He also worked with some acupressure points too. He knows a lot about holistic therapies."
Megan S., Del Sur
Bo has treated my 11 year old daughter for a variety of sports-related injuries. The most significant of those was a severe ankle sprain. After acupuncture reduced the swelling, traditional medicine's approach was to put her on crutches, anti-inflammatories and RICE. READ MORE
Henrik Hansen, San Francisco
"I had the great pleasure of having a sound and light healing session with Bo. He truly did some amazing work. I had a couple of serious operations a few months back and am still recovering from them." READ MORE
Valeria Newcomb, Carmel Valley
"I severely sprained my ankle on March 18, 2014. At soccer practice my team was scrimmaging, there was a loose ball and I got to the ball first, with my right foot on the ball, my left foot gave out causing me to fall to the ground in excruciating pain. For the next two weeks I was on crutches. I knew this process would pass but it was all a matter of time, and if it correctly healed." READ MORE
Vanessa C., Miami
"My experience with Bo during a sound and color session was very profound. I had been holding on to a lot of stress in my stomach area and after the session it was gone. He is very caring and sensitive to his client's needs. I highly recommend him."
Suellen Fast, San Diego
"I've worked with many different kinds of healers. What I want to tell you about Bo's work is that it has been the most effective healing modality I have ever encountered. I have been going to see him for emotional distress each week for about two months." READ MORE
P. Greenberg, Carlsbad
"I hurt my heel after running many practices on an uneven ground. My heel had pounding pain when I stepped on it." READ MORE
Coaching Testimonials
Jen Lalor, US Women's National Team Member
"Bo is by far the most influential coach I've ever had. I am a product of his work. He is a true professional in every way." READ MORE
Charles Duccilli, New York Power Assistant Coach, Women's United Soccer Association
"I have also seen the result of Bo's individual Training expertise. He has worked with one of our players for over a year. She is without question the fittest player on our team, which is no small feat since this is a professional women's soccer team with many very talented athletes." READ MORE
Sarah Devine, BA in Cognitive Psychology and MA in Athletic Administration
Coach Bo helped to set the stage for me as a confident young female. Since having Bo as a mentor, I have had success outside of athletics as well. The mental clarity that was cultivated under his careful eye was a great baseline for the adult I am now. I have been given the opportunity to find success in college, as a Division 1 NCAA soccer coach, as a self employed business owner and as a human being. I still visualize on a weekly basis but it's no longer about the game winning penalty kick in double overtime. I now have the opportunity to mentor kids in mental strength, goal setting and creative solutions just like Coach Bo did for me. READ MORE